A Labour MP hoping to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader has pledged to build a "practical socialist revolution".

Owen Smith, who is the only challenger in the upcoming Labour leadership contest, has unveiled 20 policy pledges in a campaign speech.

The Pontypridd MP says if he leads the next Labour government he will increase the top rate of income tax, reverse cuts to corporation tax and increase spending on the NHS in England by 4% in real-terms in every year of the next parliament.

Smith called his polices are "radical" but also "credible".

Owen Smith's 20 policy pledges:

In what may be viewed as a dig at his opponent, Jeremy Corbyn, the Welsh MP says he will not have a "romantic" notion of a revolution but a "practical socialist revolution".

He said: "We need a revolution. Not some misty-eyed, romantic notion of a revolution where we are going to overthrow capitalism and return to a socialist nirvana - I don't know who I'm referring to - but a cold-eyed, practical socialist revolution where we build a better Britain, where we look the country in the eye and say 'this is possible, it can be better, we can build a better, brighter future'.

"We have done it before, we can do it again. That's the sort of government I want to lead, that's the sort of revolution I want to bring."

The High Court will rule on Thursday if Labour's national executive committee's decision to automatically include Jeremy Corbyn on the ballot without receiving a quota of parliamentary nominations is legal.

Labour members and registered supporters will begin voting on August 22 and voting will end on September 21.

The result will be announced at a special Labour Party conference on September 24.