Theresa May's UK migrant offer to EU citizens following Brexit is "below expectations", European officials have said.

Speaking at the end of the EU summit in Brussels, the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said Mrs May's offer could make things worse for European citizens.

During a press conference at the conclusion of the two-day summit, Mr Tusk said: "My first impression is that the UK offer is below our expectations and risks worsening the situation of citizens.

"It will be for our negotiating team to analyse the offer line-by-line once we receive it on paper."

Mr Tusk said that Brexit had taken up "very little time" in the two-day summit.

He said the agreement between the EU27 to decide in November on the relocation of UK-based EU banking and medicines watchdogs showed the remaining member states' "unity and determination to reduce the uncertainty caused by Brexit".

Despite the EU objections, Mrs May said she remained of the view that "this is a fair and serious offer" and one that gave reassurance and certainty to all EU citizens living in the UK.

Responding to a question from ITV News Europe Editor James Mates, Mrs May said: "What we're saying is that those citizens from EU countries who have come to the United Kingdom, who have made their lives and their homes in the United Kingdom, will be able to stay and we will guarantee their rights in the United Kingdom.

"There are some differences between that and the proposal the European Commission put out, and the matter will now go into the negotiations."

She said her full proposals on the rights of EU citizens would be published on Monday 26 June.

The proposals outlined by the Prime Minister to fellow leaders at the Brussels summit on Thursday set out plans to give EU nationals who have lived in the UK for five years settled status, granting them the same rights as British citizens to healthcare, education, welfare benefits and pensions.

Earlier European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker described the proposals as "a first step, but not sufficient".