Discarded needles have been found in a gym at Glasgow University.

"Sharp bin" disposal boxes have now been installed in toilet cubicles, after the university received "numerous" reports of needles left lying in the changing rooms.

A notice posted beside one of the bins, which can also be used to dispose of razor blades, warned that anyone using anabolic steroids would have their membership revoked.

It read: "Anabolic injections are prohibited within this facility and any member found in breach of this will have their membership revoked.

"Please ensure the safety and wellbeing of all others.

"University of Glasgow Sport staff have encountered numerous occasions over the past couple of weeks whereby exposed needles have been left discarded in this area.

"This is creating an unnecessary health risk for both our staff and fellow members."

The building, which is operated by Glasgow University, is also open to community members who can join without affiliation to the institution.

President of Glasgow University Sports Association, Paddy Everingham, said: "From our point of view we are happy to see the boxes as they improve staff safety.

"It is plain and simple - don't do drugs.

"I think that the sharps boxes have been in place for a while and probably always will be.

"Clubs at the university do a lot to tackle the issue of drugs on campus but it is also down to community residents not to take steroids as part of being a respectful person and not breaking the law.

He added: "People need to think about the safety of staff and other members when they use the premises and I am glad there are steps being taken.

"This is an issue and we need to deal with it."

Issues surrounding the increase in discarded needles came to light after a photograph taken within the University's Stevenson building emerged online.

Anabolic steroids are illegal to sell as they are categorised as a Class C drug, but it is legal to possess them for personal use.

The University of Glasgow has said that the changes are as a result of a "very small" number of incidents and that measures are being put in place primarily to protect staff.

A spokesman for the university said: "People take injections for a number of different reasons so we have always had sharps bins in our facilities.

"Sharps bins are also used for the disposal of shaving razors.

"Recently we have installed a notice and sharps bins in toilet cubicles to protect our colleagues and customers from the danger of coming into contact with needles which have not been disposed of properly.

"We have found only a very small number of needles and have taken the opportunity to reiterate our strong opposition to any form of illegal or performance enhancing substances."